Look outwards not inwards, to customer needs and expectations
With Mavim, you’ll shift the process improvement conversation from your internal KPIs and CSFs towards customer needs and expectations, letting you design buying journeys in a way everybody understands and can agree on. Connect customer journey maps, processes, capabilities, IT infrastructure, and data sources to design a better customer experience, every day.
- See the world from your customer’s viewpoint
- Understand key customer drivers and motivations
- Model their ideal journey and make it your goal
Design buying journeys in a way everyone can understand
Having ideas for serving customers is easy; communicating them is hard. And putting them into practice – seeing how they affect company operations at each interaction – is hardest of all. Mavim for CJO lets you plan those journeys visually, so everyone can understand and and aim to continually improve the way customers engage with you.
- Visual and intuitive customer journey representations
- Include real data in dynamic journey models
- See a connected picture of the customer experience
Align internal processes to the outside world
The average enterprise is a web of conflicting and competing ideas about what customers want and how best to deliver for them. Mavim for CJO lets you align internal processes to the outside world, resulting in a more transparent basis for decisionmaking – with a better understanding of what the customer expects, rather than what the organizations wants to deliver.
- Aim for alignment with customer expectations
- See where your processes interrupt customer experience
- Support process change with actual data
Understand what customers need and what you can deliver
When you align processes, you align objectives. If a customer had to go through five departments to reach an objective, that’s a good reason to reduce it to one. Or if different team need information from a customer, it’s wise to integrate them. Mavim for CJO lets you radically improve the buyer journey – and achieve great CX.
- Refocus your organization around the customer’s view of good
- Reduce customer touchpoints to the minimum needed for success