Mavim is an AI enabled Business Process Management Platform fully based on existing Microsoft Technologies like Microsoft Visio, SharePoint, Office 365. While having these integrations as our foundation, with our bi-directional connectors with Azure Devops, D365, and the Power Platform, we create a seamless Strategy to Execution solution.
As a Microsoft partner, we are committed to providing our users with a simple, unified experience using the global standards of the Microsoft product suite. By adhering to the standards of the Microsoft ecosystem, we can help our customers get the most out of their existing IT landscape by integrating on-premise or in the Azure cloud.
Propositions on the Azure Marketplace
Manage the business usage, technical implementation and cost effectiveness of your IT applications.
Create predictable outcomes and reduce the total cost of ownership of your Dynamics 365 solution.
Create context and visibility, deliver an innovative customer experience, improve your process quality, and reduce costs within your business operations.
Mine, Design, and Improve Digital Business Processes in one Microsoft-based platform.
Contact our Microsoft Team
Microsoft allows publishers to offer their products and services on the Azure Marketplace. Azure customers can directly acquire these offerings on the Azure Marketplace
Transactable marketplace offers enrolled into this program can be purchased by Azure customers and contribute towards their organization’s Microsoft Azure consumption commitment
Azure IP co-sell incentivized
The Azure IP Co-Sell Incentive program is part of Microsoft's broader efforts to collaborate with its partners and foster a thriving ecosystem around Azure. By incentivizing partners to build and sell solutions that integrate with Azure, Microsoft aims to create a more comprehensive and compelling cloud platform for its customers.